Registration is held every January for the following school year. Registration is offered first to our current students and any siblings they have wishing to enroll in one of our preschool programs. After our in-house registration ends, there will be one morning designated for St. Philip Neri parish members to come in and register. Following parish member registration there will be one morning for the general public (non-parish members) to come in and register.

Active and Participating Parish Member Policy

Any family that is a registered Parish Member must meet the following requirements of the Active and Participating Parish Member Policy:

  • Registration as a parishioner at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church for a minimum of 6 months; 
  • Participation in the life of the parish through attendance at weekly Mass and Holy Days of Obligation, and devoting time to daily prayer; 
  • Participation in the life of the parish by serving through active participation in at least one St. Philip Neri ministry;
  • Financially support the parish by giving a portion of your financial resources to St. Philip Neri Catholic Church through the use of weekly envelopes or other identifiable means.

Please email and to request a statement to demonstrate that you meet the above requirements.

Current families enrolled in our preschool will get a letter and registration form sent home in your child’s backpack in early January.

New families will need to call the preschool office (803-548-8789) in the beginning of January for the registration form.